I love practicing law because…
For me, the practise of law embodies everything that makes a great career – the sort of job you jump out of bed for every day with enthusiasm and excitement for the day ahead. What drives that enthusiasm? For me, law opens doors – the opportunity to help people in a meaningful way, to learning and extending myself and to teaching others. It also provides a new intellectual challenge every day – in my practice, no legal issue or client problem is the same and the people you meet are exceptional as they are different. As they say, variety is the spice of life and the practise of law (especially family law) is a distinctive and fresh diet every day.
To me, leadership means…
Leadership is investing in what you do well and then, with passion and dedication – generously sharing that knowledge and experience with others. As regards junior lawyers, I see leadership as creating a launch pad that allows talented people to fulfil their potential – to fly – but to do so with my support and encouragement at every turn. For the community, I see leadership as harnessing opportunities to take a stand - whether that is acting for the vulnerable or helping a team advocate for change or reform. As a parent, I see leadership about being a good role model for my children so they grow up wanting to participate actively in society and give back in their own way and style.
The theme that binds them all – in terms of leadership – is a willingness to listen and hear, a genuine interest in others and to their perspective and learning from mistakes.
The best advice I have received is…
Be kind to others and treat them as you would like to be treated. This is an old adage that rings true professionally and personally.
Professionally, turning up to work every day as your authentic self and bringing all that you are to everything you do is part of building an exceptional work culture that inspires, educates and fulfils. It is also a way of ensuring the client experience you deliver is authentic and human.
Personally, it is about doing the right thing – as best you can – every day. By doing this, your social circles are filled with people who enrich you, care for you and have your back – just as you do for them. Loyalty, compassion, steadfast.
If I could have dinner with 3 people, they would be…
- Michelle Obama who is an exemplary role model for working women
- Rosie Batty whose personal tragedy has inspired her to educate the community about coercive control and family violence
- Justice Jagot who has been appointed to the High Court and is an outstanding lawyer.