July 2017 | Elisabeth Moran, Senior Associate, Projects, Infrastructure and Construction, MinterEllison
I became a lawyer because …
... I realised that, although the subject matter is very interesting, there isn’t a huge number of career opportunities in Melbourne for a budding anthropologist (which is what I studied when I finished high school). However, the analytical skills and curiosity that I had developed over the course of my Arts degree flowed naturally into the engaged thinking required to study law. I ended up as a projects and construction lawyer because I love the tangible nature of what we do – I love driving by the projects that I have been involved in and seeing my work in real life.
I am really proud of …
… The way that I have progressed my career to date, and my contribution to some of the most iconic infrastructure projects in Victoria and NSW.
You can have it all …
… There are only so many hours in each day, but if you have a strong understanding of your values and priorities, and invest your energy in what is most important to you at that point in time, things often have a way of working themselves out.
I am extremely grateful for …
… The opportunities that I have been given while working at MinterEllison, not only the projects that I have been involved in but being able to work between the Melbourne and Sydney offices and to spend time developing my network both outside and across the firm. This diversity of experience – and the lawyers, clients and other contacts that I have met – has given me great insight into the lawyer, and the leader, that I want to be.
A key mentor who influenced my career is …
… Louise Johnson – a woman who is not only an exceptional and meticulous lawyer who offers endless patience and support, but is also my mother. She has shown me that, with dedication and hard work, you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, and that there is almost always more than one way to solve a problem. Without Louise's encouragement, love and support, I would not be the lawyer (or the person) that I am today.
If I wasn’t a lawyer …
… I would love to be an international food critic – that combination of food, wine and travel would be an absolute dream.
Before I started at MinterEllison …
… I did the typical thing – took a long holiday in the sun.
The best advice I ever received was ...
... The importance of a cost / benefit analysis – asking yourself whether something will have beneficial, prejudicial or neutral effects, and weighing up your proposed action based on the relative pros and cons of each. This common-sense technique has helped me to make a number of crucial professional, and personal, decisions.
One of the key legal initiatives I am involved in …
… Is engaging with the junior lawyers in our practice group – both developing their legal skills and making them feel supported and engaged at the firm. I remember how daunting working at a law firm seemed when I first started (and sometimes, still is), but I hope that I am able to help navigate those first few hurdles.
Outside of the law …
… I love spending time in my neighbourhood with my husband and friends.
Last month’s sponsor spotlight
Jade Rowarth
Corrs Chambers Westgarth