I became a lawyer because …
...I was curious about society and human interactions.
I am really proud of …
…the supportive network I have built. Beyond my family and close friends, I have a broad range of people to bounce ideas around with or ask for help. Some of this happens naturally but I think it's also a result of the time that I have invested in building relationships which I value so greatly.
You can have it all …
…if you make time to think about what that means for you. For me, it is not about what anyone else has or has achieved, it is about identifying my priorities in life and focussing on working towards/on those.
I am extremely grateful for …
…so many things. The opportunities I have had, the support I have received (and still have) and the experiences I have had. Most of all, I am grateful for my family / my inner circle – my husband and daughter, parents, other family members and friends - those who are really with me in good times and challenging times, they constantly teach me lessons, often inadvertently.
A key mentor who influenced my career is …
…I am in the fortunate position of thinking that there are too many to have to select one! A number of Partners and senior people at Allens have been wonderful mentors to me. I have worked with Tony Kuhn (Partner) for a number of years and have been heavily influenced by his professional approach and commitment to sharing his seemingly endless legal knowledge. I have also benefitted from the wisdom and valuable insight of Louise Jenkins (Partner). My Mum is another strong influence and mentor both professionally and personally. She is not a lawyer and has always offered a refreshing and sometimes challenging perspective on my career.
If I wasn’t a lawyer …
…I really don't know – an art historian, a professional long distance runner or something in the medical profession.
Before I started at Allens …
…I spent years travelling and working as a polo groom. I still own a horse who I have had since she was three years old. She is now in her 20s and only has one eye but is living a happy life in retirement.
The best advice I ever received was ...
...when you are providing information, think about the simplest way of communicating it with the end user in mind.
One of the key legal initiatives I am involved in …
…To be honest, I am involved in a range of initiatives but my focus since returning from maternity leave has been more on doing a good job with what is on my plate. I try not to spread myself too thinly (which is difficult at times).
Outside of the law …
…I am currently prioritising time with my nearly 2 year old daughter, husband and Labrador. I run, read, plan ski trips and watch tennis.
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