August 2016 | Elissa Romanin, Special Counsel, Tax, MinterEllison
I became a lawyer because …
I found the law (and still do) intellectually challenging and I enjoy a good problem to solve. I became a tax lawyer in particular because I find it very technical and focused, as well as allowing for interpretation. As nerdy as it sounds, I love my work as a tax lawyer at MinterEllison.
A key mentor who influenced my career is …
My supervising partner, Adrian Varrasso. He is an exceptional and inspirational lawyer and his support and motivation is endless. I am very grateful for all Adrian has done to encourage and support me in my career and push me to be the kind of lawyer I am today.
I am really proud of …
Where I am today in my career.
Before I started at MinterEllison …
I took the year off to travel around the US and Europe, eating everything in sight!
You can have it all …
It depends on what each person's 'all' is. While it is definitely a challenge, if you are really organised and have your priorities and values right, you can certainly have a lot.
One of the key legal initiatives I am involved in …
Developing and mentoring our junior lawyers. I would like to think that I can pass on to the next generation of lawyers the same level of support and guidance that has been provided to me.
If I wasn’t a lawyer …
... and if I was a lot taller, it would have been fun to be an athlete. Or an event planner – organising things is kind of my thing.
The best advice I ever received was ...
Nothing is forever, so why not give it a go. The other best piece of advice was to always be yourself, which I think is really important.
I am extremely grateful for …
The opportunities that have been presented to me in my personal and working life - growing up overseas as a child, interesting and challenging work, invitations to attend and speak at conferences around the world (among many other things!). Each opportunity has meant that I have met some wonderful people along the way.
Outside of the law …
I really enjoy spending time with my husband, family and friends.