Outreach – Fair fees and Costs Agreements
Sexual Discrimination Act Event – Intersectionality and discrimination – 17 July
Intersectionality and discrimination – Wednesday 17 July
Panel Discussion: Practising Law with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities: Empowerment, Identity and Culture
Victorian Women Lawyer’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee and Tarwirri, the Indigenous Law Students and Lawyers
Association of Victoria were proud to present this panel discussion where we heard from Aboriginal women lawyers as to
the issues Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples face and how we can address policy to promote inclusion and
understanding regarding such concerns in the workplace.
We thank our Sponsor Allens, as well as our speakers and supporters: Her Honour Magistrate Abigal Burchill for making a
beautiful acknowledgement of Country, and our panellists, Her Honour Magistrate Rose Fall, Candice Jackson and Neane Carter.
Webinar: Difficult Conversations at Work – July 2023
VWL’s Outreach Committee presents:
- Nicole Davidson
- Nina Hoang
- Maddison Harrington
Whether you are an employee, manager and/or employer, this webinar will provide you with practical
tips for having difficult conversations in the workplace and share best practice guidance to help
you communicate effectively no matter your role or whatever issues may arise.
Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Lunch – International Women’s Day 2023
To honour Dame Roma Mitchell and recognise International Women’s Day VWL and the Women Barristers’
Association (WBA) successfully hosted the 2023 Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Lunch at the Melbourne
Town Hall.
Attendees heard from event Sponsor CEO Louise Hvala of Gatehouse Legal Recruitment on the importance
of building a community. VWL’s President, Sophie Lefebvre shared her learning about the history of
the event and why it is VWL honour the memory of Dame Roma Mitchell.
The main event was a conversation following the UN Australia International Women’s Day theme
“Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender equal future” between journalist and author Jane Caro AM
and digital activist Zoe Condliffe who shared their varied experiences, reflections on the theme and
answered audience questions.
WBA Convenor Liz Ruddle KC wrapped up proceedings by sharing her reflections on the conversation and
the importance of rage, hope and the importance of not stopping when you reach the ‘first’. The
event ended with practical tips for building allyship and making lasting change for lawyers and in
the law more generally .
This event was proudly sponsored by Gatehouse Legal Recruitment.
VWL and Industrial Relations Society of Victoria Women in
IR event – hosted by LIV 28 June – Speaker: Natalie James
VWL Return to Work Guide Launch Event
On 6 April 2022, VWL’s Work Practice Committee held a panel discussion which explored the challenges
and experiences faced by parents going on, and returning from, parental leave. The event launched
the incredibly practical ‘Parental Leave in Practice. A ‘How To’ Guide for Lawyers’ which can be
accessed via VWL’s website. The event was approached from an inclusive perspective, including by
recognising that parents and carers can be of any gender or sexuality.
The discussion first covered preparing to take parental leave – including communication with work,
giving notice, and navigating progression points. Next, the panel discussed what to do while taking
leave, including adjusting the time away, flexible work, CPD requirements, ‘keeping in touch’ days,
and promotions and career changes whilst on leave. The return to work section of the discussion
considered flexible arrangements, feeding children, court and litigation, managing sleep
deprivation, childcare, and career progression with young families. The importance of a non-birth
parent or carer taking parental leave was also discussed. We are grateful to our panellists for
generously sharing their personal experiences and advice across each of these topics.
Thank you to our host and sponsor firm Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, our panellists Her Honour Judge
Claire Quin (County Court of Victoria), Jayne Parker (Victoria Police), Catherine Brooks (Wendy
Brooks & Partners) and Daniel Victory (Maurice Blackburn), along with our fantastic moderator,
Natalie Campbell (Victorian Bar).
Women in Law with Diverse Abilities – Part 2
On 25 May 2022, VWL’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee in conjunction with Disabled Australian
Lawyers Association held their Women in Law with Diverse Abilities – Part 2 event. The focus of this
event was on ‘visible disabilities’ where attendees heard from Abbey Dalton (DALA and VGSO lawyer
who is blind), Natalie Wade (DALA and Founder and Principal Lawyer at Equality Lawyers who has a
physical disability), and Rebecca Wong (ASIC lawyer who is blind).
Our panellists discussed their personal experiences in the legal profession, advised about the
importance of appropriate language and universal design in conjunction with individual adjustments.
The seminar shed light on the importance of sharing experiences of disabled legal practitioners and
how we can all work together to make our workplaces more inclusive and supportive.
25th Anniversary Keynote
In 2021, Victorian Women Lawyers celebrated its 25th anniversary. VWL
was delighted to present a short keynote video in celebration at its 2021 AGM. The video message
contains inspiring messages from:
- The Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Anne Ferguson;
- VWL Patron, the Honourable Professor Marilyn Warren AC QC and former Chief Justice;
- VWL Law Student Mentoring Patron, the Honourable Justice Rita Incerti;
- VWL Professional Mentoring Patron, the Honourable Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou;
- VWL Founders Deanne Weir, Georgina Frost and Kriss Will; and
- VWL 2021 President, Vanessa Shambrook and 2021 Vice President, Stephanie Pasharis
Past VWL Events
Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Lunch
On 28 April 2022, VWL and the Women Barristers Association held their annual Dame Roma Mitchell
Memorial Lunch, proudly sponsored by Gatehouse Legal Recruitment.
Guests heard a discussion between Elizabeth Broderick AO, former Sex Discrimination Commissioner,
and Michelle Cheng of the SBS, focusing on the topics of leadership and equality. Elizabeth spoke
about the challenges facing women lawyers in reaching and maintaining leadership roles, her current
role as United Nations Special Rapporteur, and her time as Australia’s Sex Discrimination
Stop the Expansion of the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
The Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (“DPFC”) is the State’s only maximum security prison for women,
located on the western edge of Narrm, Melbourne. On 20 April 2022, VWL’s members and guests, in
conjunction with FlatOut who are running the Homes Not Prisons campaign, heard from panellists
Vickie Roach, Jill Prior, Sara Stilianos and Karen Fletcher regarding concerns about the expansion
of DPFC and women’s gendered experiences of incarceration.
Professional Mentoring Program Launch
On 22 November 2021, the Work Practices Committee of VWL were proud to
formally launch and celebrate VWL’s inaugural Professional Mentoring Program, in a webinar
hosted by our valued sponsor, the College of Law. Program Patron, the Honourable Associate
Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou of the Supreme Court of Victoria, provided an opening address to
formally launch the Program, which included a compelling recount of the ancient Greek history
and etymology of the word ‘mentor’.
The launch also featured an excellent panel discussion moderated by
Fiona McLeod AO S.C., with panellists Rosannah Healy, a Partner at Allens, Iresha Herath, a
Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Justice & Community Safety, and Julia Wang, a
Barrister at the Victorian Bar. We were grateful to hear our moderator and panellists discuss
their own personal mentoring experiences and offer their insights on how mentoring can benefit
our careers at every stage.
Following the discussion, Fiona Turner, the Executive Director of the
College of Law, provided some valuable reflections on the important role that mentoring can play
in the continuing professional education of lawyers.
Coming to the Bar
On Tuesday, 19 October 2021, VWL partnered with Svenson Barristers and Women Barristers Association
to hold its Coming to the Bar Event, with panellists:
- Veronica Holt
- Uthra Ramachandran
- Beth Warnock
- Ella Zauner
The panelists shared an inside view of life as a barrister, including the Bar readers’ course, the
Bar exam and more. The panel discussion was moderated by Anna Svenson, Director and Principal Clerk
of Svenson Barristers.
Webinar – 19 October 2021
Sexual Harassment Prevention and Positive Action panel discussion
This panel discussion was held by the Law Institute of Victoria and Victorian Women Lawyers to
- How we can continue the discussion to promote gender-specific challenges in the workplace
- What is driving sexual harassment in workplace
- What are the structural impediments to change
- How can firms implement the proposed guidelines and what needs to be in place for them to
The LIV have recently launched the Charter for the Advancement of Women which prompts signatories to establish
procedurally fair and transparent sexual discrimination and harassment complaints processes, among
other commitments alongside a Sexual Harassment Policy. VWL supports this Charter and Policy as
positive action against sexual harassment, alongside a cultural change in order to prevent sexual
harassment and misconduct.
This discussion was hosted by VWL President, Vanessa Shambrook and facilitated by Tania Wolff,
President of the LIV.
- Dr Helen Szoke AO, Review of Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts
- Susanna Ritchie, Managing Lawyer, Launch Legal
- Sophie Gale, Education & Engagement Coordinator at Women’s Legal Service Victoria
Webinar – 30 September 2021
VWL & WBA Law Student Mentoring Program Launch
On Tuesday 21 September 2021, VWL & WBA officially launched the Law Student Mentoring Program
for the 14th year running. The launch event was proudly sponsored by K&L Gates and
featured an opening address from our Program Patron, the Honourable
Justice Incerti, followed by a discussion on mentoring tips and tricks with Meg Aitken (Senior
Associate and mentor) and Wendy Li (Lawyer and mentee) of K&L Gates, facilitated by VWL
Executive Member Oriana Torcasio.
Thank you to K&L Gates for sponsoring the Law Student Mentoring Program.
Webinar – 21 September 2021
Confident Conversations: Founding your own firm – Legal start-ups in regional and suburban
On Tuesday, 31 August, VWL held our first “Confident Conversations” event – an online panel
discussion on female founders and starting your own firm.
Founding Your Own Firm was an online panel discussion on legal start-ups in suburban and regional
Victoria, what to consider if you are thinking about founding your own firm, and building the
confidence to make a career transition.
Thank you to Leonie Green from Corvus Group, Elizabeth Lacey from Lacey & Co and Michelle
Lothian from H&L Legal for sharing your stories and insights, and to Sarah Rey from Justitia
Lawyers & Consultants for bringing together an inspiring and authentic discussion.
“Confident Conversations: Founding Your Own Firm” was proudly sponsored by Justitia Lawyers &
Webinar – 31 August 2021
Sexual Harassment Workshop: Support, Prevention and Reform
On Wednesday, 25 August 2021, VWL was joined by Justitia Lawyers & Consultants and Megan
Fulford, Wellbeing Manger at the Law Institute of Victoria for a discussion about the impact of
sexual harassment in the legal profession, including prevention and support.
The workshop explored matters such as making a complaint and common psychological responses to
sexual harassment.
VWL thanks Justitia Lawyers & Consultants for sponsoring this important event.
Webinar – 25 August 2021
Remaining Resilient Panel Discussion & Mental Health Workshop
On Wednesday, 4 August, VWL hosted a panel discussion on remaining resilient when searching for your
first job. This event was proudly sponsored by Deakin University Law School. The panel comprised of:
- Louise Hvala, CEO of Gatehouse Legal Recruitment and Alifery and VWL Networking Committee
Member - Joanna Abraham, lecturer at the College of Law, Immigration & Refugee Lawyer and
Co-Chair of the VWL Diversity & Inclusion Committee - Andrea Phillips, lecturer at the College of Law, Teaching, Associate and Mindfulness Tutor
at Monash University with - degrees in psychology and law.
The panellists offered tips, tricks and their own experiences with prioritising health during the
clerkship/graduate application process, and navigating a new career whilst adapting to working
during a pandemic. The event also featured a 20-minute Mental Health Workshop hosted by Andrea
This event was created to assist students and graduates to prepare for the competitive and COVID
‘normal’ legal environment they will be working in, and to equip them with tools to develop
resilience and maintain self-care.
Webinar – 4 August 2021
Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Lunch May 2021
VWL and Women Barristers’ Association successfully hosted a sell-out 2021 Dame Roma Mitchell
Memorial Lunch. Guests enjoyed hearing from keynote speaker, the Hon Mary Delahunty GAICD, Louise
Hvala, CEO of Gatehouse Legal Recruitment, and our VWL President, Vanessa Shambrook, who all spoke
about the issues yet to be overcome to achieve true equality for women and the importance of
resilience moving forward. VWL extends a very warm thank you to our members and sponsors for
supporting this event and for commemorating Dame Roma Mitchell, the first Australian woman to be
appointed Queen’s Counsel, judge, chancellor of an Australian university and State Governor.
Attendees advised they left feeling uplifted from the event and re-energised.
This event was proudly sponsored by Gatehouse Legal Recruitment.
For those who missed this event, this video includes the introduction from our President, Vanessa
Shambrook, keynote speech from our guest speaker the Hon Mary Delahunty and introduction from
sponsor, CEO of Gatehouse Legal Recruitment Louise Hvala.
Webinar – 18 May 2021
Domestic Violence in the New COVID ‘Normal’: Opportunities for Change and Reform
As part of Victorian Law Week 2021, Nicholes Family Lawyers, Victorian Women Lawyers Justice
Committee, Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE), Domestic Violence Victoria,
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Women’s Legal Service Victoria co-hosted the “Domestic
Violence in the New COVID ‘Normal’: Opportunities for Change and Reform” webinar on 18 May 2021. The
webinar was a panel discussion about family violence and the opportunities for prevention, support,
law reform and increased community understanding.
The webinar was moderated by Nicholes Family Lawyers Managing Partner Sally Nicholes and the
panellists included: The Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia and the Chief Judge of the
Federal Circuit Court of Australia, The Honourable William Alstergren; Women’s Information and
Referral Exchange (WIRE) Chief Executive Officer, Julie Kun; Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Victoria/Domestic Violence Victoria Executive Director of Policy, Communications and Engagement,
Louise Simms; Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health Executive Director, Adele Murdolo; and Women’s
Legal Service Victoria Acting Chief Executive Officer, Director of Legal & Policy, Helen
Matthews OAM.
Webinar – 18 May 2021
Victorian Women Lawyers Mindfulness Series – Class 3
Wellbeing and resilience are increasingly recognised as imperative to building and maintaining a
successful and rewarding career, especially for women working or studying in the legal field.
Victorian Women Lawyers is pleased to invite you to join us for a yoga and meditation session with
Emily Rose, Owner and Yoga Teacher at Emily Rose Yoga. This event is specifically designed to equip
members of the legal profession with techniques to assist you manage stress throughout your personal
and professional lives.
Webinar – 21 April 2021
Victorian Women Lawyers Mindfulness Series – Class 2
Wellbeing and resilience are increasingly recognised as imperative to building and maintaining a
successful and rewarding career, especially for women working or studying in the legal field.
Victorian Women Lawyers is pleased to invite you to join us for a yoga and meditation session with
Emily Rose, Owner and Yoga Teacher at Emily Rose Yoga. This event is specifically designed to equip
members of the legal profession with techniques to assist you manage stress throughout your personal
and professional lives.
Webinar – 14 April 2021
Victorian Women Lawyers Mindfulness Series – Class 1
Wellbeing and resilience are increasingly recognised as imperative to building and maintaining a
successful and rewarding career, especially for women working or studying in the legal field.
Victorian Women Lawyers is pleased to invite you to join us for a yoga and meditation session with
Emily Rose, Owner and Yoga Teacher at Emily Rose Yoga. This event is specifically designed to equip
members of the legal profession with techniques to assist you manage stress throughout your personal
and professional lives.
Webinar – 7 April 2021
Victorian Women Lawyers 2020 AGM
On 26 November 2020, VWL held its 2020 virtual AGM. Members had a chance to hear from our Executive
Committee on VWL’s activities and achievements in 2020, and to vote in VWL’s 2021 Executive
Committee. Members also heard from guest speaker, Mariam Issa, author, storyteller and community
builder. VWL warmly welcomes our new Executive Committee members and looks forward to another
successful year in 2021.
Webinar – Thursday, 26 November 2020
Alternative Legal Pathways interview with Astrid Haban-Beer 14 October 2020
Astrid Haban-Beer is a criminal law and public law barrister on Dever’s List, based in Melbourne.
She defends and prosecutes. Astrid appears in a wide range of matters including trials and plea
hearings related to mental impairment, violent crimes against the person, sexual offences, terrorism
and white-collar crimes. Astrid splits her work between Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.
Webinar – Thursday, 14 October 2020
Alternative Legal Pathways interview with Elva Zhang 7 October 2020
Formerly an international student from China, Elva is an Australian-qualified lawyer with a Master
of Laws (LLM in International Economic Law) from Geneva, Switzerland. In her current role as
Corporate Counsel for an international shipping line, she provides highly specialised legal advice
on maritime and shipping related legal issues, and works closely with other legal and commercial
teams from France, Singapore and China. In addition to working as a Lawyer, Elva is the Founder of
Peace Lab (www.peacelab.com.au)
Webinar – Thursday, 7 October 2020
Alternative Legal Career Pathways interview with Naomi Hickey-Humble 30 September 2020
Naomi is Acting Head of Legal Operations at MinterEllison, working across the Disputes,
Competition/Regulatory & Insurance practices. She pivoted into this role after practising at a
major plaintiff firm in employment & industrial law, litigation, workplace safety and road
accidents. Her current role in Legal Operations focuses on embedding operational efficiency,
consistency and continuous improvement initiatives across people, process and technology within
MinterEllison, and for their clients.
Webinar – Thursday, 30 September 2020
Alternative Legal Career Pathways interview with Anna Lozynski 23 September 2020
Anna is an executive general counsel and author. She believes that legal innovation is invigorating,
change is energising and efficiency will never go out of fashion. Anna has studied law in Melbourne,
Beijing, Utrecht and Boston. Starting out at a major Australian law firm, she has spent the majority
of her legal career in-house working in the banking, automotive and cosmetics industries.
Webinar – Thursday, 23 September 2020
Alternative Legal Career Pathways interview with Kylie Kilgour 16 September 2020
Kylie is currently the CEO of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants. She has
been a Victorian public servant since 2006, most recently as Deputy Secretary, Criminal Justice
Strategy & Coordination at the Department of Justice & Community Safety. Prior to this Kylie
worked in the UK in legal aid policy and youth worker roles, and as a community legal centre worker
at Redfern Legal Centre, Sydney.
Webinar – Thursday, 16 September 2020
Launch of the 2020 Mentoring Program
Digital Launch event with Program Patron the Honorable Justice Incerti
On Monday, 27 July 2020, VWL and WBA’s Law Student Mentoring Program was launched for 2020! The
digital launch included a discussion with the Program’s patron, the Honourable Justice Incerti, and
a number of former participants in the Program (mentees and mentors)
Webinar – Monday, 27 July 2020
Work-Life Integration and the Future of Work
Victorian Women Lawyers were proud to present the ‘Work-Life Integration and the Future of Work’
Webinar with guest speakers Emma Heuston, owner and founder of The Remote Expert and Lauren
Cassimatis, owner and founder of Criminal Law Mums and Gallant Law. The webinar featured refreshing
and helpful insight into the realities of working from home for women, and blending work and home
Webinar – Friday, 5 June 2020
Riding out the pandemic: from the perspective of the employer
Victorian Women Lawyers in conjunction with sponsor firm Justitia Lawyers & Consultants hosted a
webinar ‘Riding out the pandemic: from the perspective of the employer’.
The discussion was facilitated, by Managing Partner of Justitia Lawyers & Consultants, Sarah
Rey. Sarah shared her insights on how Justitia have effectively dealt with the crises and upskilled
not only herself but her team members on how to effectively work remotely. Joanna Green, a Principal
Lawyer at Hive Legal shared her experience with the pandemic as highlighting the ‘shared human-ness’
of most employers and businesses having to learn quickly on how to work from home. Melissa Lee, a
Principal of Maeve O’Brien & Associates noted that it is important to continue to communicate
with your staff and support them with an open line of communication. Lastly, Belinda Perisic, the
General Manager of sponsor firm, Coulter Roach, noted how important is it to be compassionate with
yourself, especially when you are trying to be everything for everyone.
VWL commends the special guests ‘conversationalists’ on their honest and helpful discussion on the
realities how the pandemic has effected leaders and their employers.
Webinar – 27 May 2020
The World Post-Marriage Equality: Issues Affecting Rainbow Families and the LGBTIQA+ Community
Victorian Women Lawyers invites you to the first event in our Diversity Series 2020, held in
conjunction with Nicholes Family Lawyers. Please join us for an engaging discussion on issues
affecting rainbow families and the LGBTIQA+ community in Australia that have arisen following the
Australian same-sex marriage postal survey in 2017.
Nicholes Family Lawyers Melbourne – 11 March 2020
VWL and Women Barristers’ Association were proud to present the 2020 Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial
Lunch in celebration of International Women’s Day.
We were delighted to welcome this year’s keynote speaker Antoinette Braybrook, CEO of Djirra, an
organisation which provides holistic and culturally safe legal and other support to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander women and children experiencing family violence.
The Hotel Windsor Melbourne – Wednesday, 4 March 2020.
Victorian Women Lawyers biennial oration to commemorate Australian poet, novelist and political
activist, Lesbia Harford. Orated by Celeste Liddle an Arrernte woman, an opinion writer, a trade
unionist and public speaker. Currently serving as the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Organiser of the National Tertiary Education Union who started her blog “Rantings of an Aboriginal
Feminist” in June 2012 spoke on the topic of diversity for women and the interplay with gender
equality, with an emphasis on the point of view of an Aboriginal woman.
The Alto Room, Level 25 The Langham Melbourne – Thursday, 26 October 2017
Geelong Event – Practical Tips for Negotiating Salaries and Flexible Working Arrangements
A panel discussion with representatives from Coulter Roache, Harwood Andrews and Russell Kennedy for
their insights on how to successfully negotiate salary and flexible working arrangements
Empire Grill, 66 McKillop Street Geelong Wednesday Thursday 18 May 2017
Cultural Diversity in the Legal Profession
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Melbourne Wednesday 15 March 2017
Female Government Lawyers: Future Public Sector Leaders
Monash Law Chambers 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Thursday 23 March 2017
Victorian Women Lawyers 20th Anniversary
The Bank on Collins 394 Collins St Melbourne 20th October 2016
Remembering Ms Dhu: Incarceration of Indigenous Women
Presentations by Meena Singh, Thalia Anthony, Annette Vickery
Culturally Sensitive Legal Advice: Family Law and Family Violence
Presentations by Magistrate Noreen Toohey, Jane Penberthy, Jennifer Dawson, and Adisa Muminovic
Climbing the career ladder: Panel discussion about career progression for women in the legal
Presentations by Shobana Richmond, Melanie Wilkinson, Shivani Pillai and Jane Harvey
Gender, Sexuality and the Legal Profession
Presentation by the Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Commissioner Rowena Allen
Launch of Law Student Mentoring Program 2016 with the Honourable Justice Rita Zammit
Presentation by the Honourable Justice Rita Zammit
Not Yours To Share- Legal responses to non-consensual distribution of private sexual material
Presentations by Susan McLean, Tim Watts MP, Dr Nicola Henry, and Belinda Lo
Dame Roma Mitchell Memorial Luncheon 2016
Keynote address by Dr Megan Davis
Recommended Videos
A selection of videos to inspire, educate and influence. Collected from around the web and curated
by our Executive.